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how much for m4-p today?

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A young soldier walks in to the restroom in the VA building and sees an elderly fellow in an officer's uniform standing in front of the urinal squirming in obvious discomfort. Approching closer he notices the cuffs of the old man's jacket are empty and asks him "Sir, may I offer you some assistance?" "Yes private, thank you, I would appreciate it". So the young soldier unzips the old man's fly and helps him out, you get the idea, zips him up. "Thank you very much private" "No problem, Sir". "Oh" says the private glancing toward the old man's empty shirt cuffs "Korea?" "Naw" replies the old soldier shaking his hands out of his jacket "Gonnorhea".
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Forget it Frank. Your line of work doesn't pay enough (jizz mopper wasn't it?). Stick to your cheap n cheerful Yashicas, you'll probably need one of those trusty 'bricks' to defend yourself when the day comes....he,he,he.


PS. Your blank firing CL will be just as useless as a handbag when it comes to protecting your 'honour' - so always pack your 'mean piece' when you're out shooting & plenty of Kleenex!

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