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Zusammenkunft GF im Oberelsass (Frankreich)...


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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


Wie �blich in dieser Jahreszeit treffen sich die ? Erfahrene

Liebhaber ? der GF und MF vom Osten Frankreichs um ihre Leidenschaft

gemeinsam zu teilen.


Dieses Jahr freut es mich besonders Sie hertzlich zu unserer

Zusammenkunft im Oberelsass einzuladen.




An der Murbacher Abtei, entfernt von etwa 6 Kilometer von Guebwiller,

in der N䨥 von Colmar.


Genau wie letztes Jahr, biete ich Ihnen kein spezielles Thema an,

denn der ausgew䨬te Ort bietet Ihnen hervoragende Anreize unsere

gemeinsame Kunst auszu�ben.


Weitere Infos finden Sie unter http://murbach.langmatt.net/


Damit jeder weiss wer anwesend sein wird und wieviel Personen an

dieser Zusammenkunft teil nehmen werden, bitte ich Sie der

Einfachheitswegen per E-Mail sich rechtzeitig anzumelden.

Mehr Infos erhalten Sie nach Ihrer Anmeldung von mir per Mail.


Under dem Motto ? Freundlichkeit ? w�nschen wir uns gegenseitich

einen wundersch�nen Tag !



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FWIW, here's a babelfish translation:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>How?blich in this season do those meet? Experienced lovers? to divide AP and MF of the east of France around their passion together. This year makes it happy me particularly you hertzlich to our meeting in the Oberelsass to invite. SATURDAY 16 OCTOBER 2004 at the Murbacher abbey, removes kilometers of Guebwiller, in the N from approximately 6? of Colmar. Exactly like last year, I do not offer special topic to you, because the ausgew?te place offers hervoragende incentives our common art to you auszu?ben. Further information finds you white under http://murbach.langmatt.net/ thereby everyone who will be present and how much persons at this meeting will take part, I ask you simplicity ways by E-Mail in time to announce itself. More information receive you after your registration from me by Mail. Under the slogan? Friendliness? w?nschen we us gegenseitich a wundersch?nen day!
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Thank God for babelfish....


Here's a translation by a real person


Dear Sir or Madam:


As usual at this time of year, east France's "advanced amateurs" in large and medium format are meeting to share their common interest.

This year, I am especially happy to invite you to our meeting in Upper Alsace on


Saturday, October 116, 2004


at the Abbey of Murbach, north of Colmar and about 6 km from Guebwiller.


Like last year, I am not offering any particular theme, since the spectacular area offers us enough marvellous inspiration to practice our common art.


For further information, visit http://murbach.langmatt.net/


So that everyone will be able to know who will be present and how many people are participating in this meeting, I request that you send me your personal information and registration by e-mail early. You will receive further information from me by return e-mail after registering.


Our motto is, "Friendship". With that thought in mind, let us all have a wonderful day.





Maybe someone would like a trip to N France for a little wine and photo fellowship....



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