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One More question: Contact printing?


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Melissa, I started by reading the webb/reed book of "alternative photographic processes". "Coming into focus" (Barnier) is a good buy too.

With those books you´ll be able to get into alt. photographic processes.

Contact printing is the most used method in alt processes for printing (with some exeptions as Bromoil among others). It means that you get an image by exposing the sensitized paper in "contact" with the negative, just as the way you make contacts sheets of 35mm film. The difference with most alt processes is that they need lots of UV light to react. So instead of using the enlarger light (usually a small 100w bulb with no UV radiation) you use big and bright sources of light, as the sun, the sky, 20w BL tubes, Mercury lamps, etc, for some minutes.

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Look at michael smith & paula chamlee's web site. There is a very good amount of information on contact printing using Azo paper and Amidol developer. This is an old process from the turn of the (last) century which is still a good way to get prints. It is much cheaper than platinum and has a long tonal scale.
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