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11 Good
  1. BAAA still fixing for Glenn, I have to duplicate the error on my machine, we had a fix out but it didn't take.
  2. Fix in progress for "public galleries" meaning ones assigned to POTD/W and Editor's pick. Glenn chooses and assigns, but the metadata data isn't taking hold as a bug.
  3. We're finally getting the band back together. It's an HTTP 410. Checking now
  4. [[show-photo-18498625]] photo as a comment testing
  5. Guys, can you see the place where can remove comments now? Photo.net - Where Photographers Inspire Each Other
  6. Yikes, unwanted followers? There would have to be a mechanism in place, so that they couldn't then just press the follow button again right away? Or like Facebook where you can say, "ignore this user" "user is no longer following you, but will not receive knowledge of this fact" -- keep putting thinking here, we'll have to scope out correctly first. It's a new type of concept on the site
  7. OK cool, our "undelete" script for you undeleted any failed uploads along with the real uploads, hence the duplicates. I would usually get a lot of angry messages if by now anybody else had something disappear. Still putting my ear out there.
  8. I keep checking our data and asking around if anybody else is seeing something similar to this, nobody is saying yes back.
  9. OK John, how are we doing? You have 4038 uploads in our system. Currently 4011 active 27 disabled 63 marked as private * 16 Editor's picks over the last 10 years * No Photos of the Week/Day set (they don't allow nudes for that category I think) * You didn't have any featured photos set for your profile. The very first upload was Untitled | Photo.net 2002-03-17 19:40:05 and the most recent: untitled | Photo.net 2018-08-31 10:27:06
  10. Tony said he has things in a good place, he stepped out for lunch. I think?? we're back for the most part.....
  11. nobody's data is missing or images missing just something not staying up, a machine being rebuilt, new ones being added to support the higher load in the main website gallery sections that includes profiles / search etc.
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