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  1. <p>Am I allowed to post pictures of MY Interior Design Projects (online portfolio/ Facebook/ Linkedin/) of my clients’ homes.</p> <p>I was the INDEPENDENT interior design CONTRACTOR for Mr. X and his wife. I was given verbal permission to take photos of their home- new construction. I hired a photographer to take photos; I took some too. Mr. X has now demanded that I take them off my website, threatening legal action.They didn’t sign a contract of any kind; we had verbal agreement . <strong>Am I legally allowed to use the photos, as claimns he never gave me permission? </strong><br /> Do I need to copywright the PHOTOS? If so, how? cost? What are Mr. x' s rights? I was hired by BOTH Mr. X and Mrs. X but they have since divorced and now Mr. X owns the home. Because it was the right thing to do, I took the website down from social media and offered to work this out. He will not respond to my emails, texts or calls. I am trying to be amicable and discuss this but he will not communicate.</p>
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