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  1. For what it's worth – I've cleaned sensors on my own cameras and those of some friends using PEC-Pads and Eclipse solution with very good results. Sometimes it takes only a swipe or two but -- it can be a real challenge to get some specks off that have been left in place for a long time. I removed a stubborn spot from a Canadian friend's 1DX that took 18 (the most ever) very damp, but NOT runny, pads before it turned loose. A clean work area with no air stirring is a must. I make only two swipes at a 5-7 degree angle with each pad – swipe left once – pick it up, turn it over and swipe right once then discard the pad. Test to see if the spot is gone. I repeat this process as many times as necessary until I get the debris. Nervous tenacity – it works.
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