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  1. <p> Rick,<br> Great camera, lens, and film in the hands of a master photographer who I envy.<br> Due to declining health (two back surgeries) that did nothing to lessen my back problem, I now can not walk very far.<br> All of my beloved cameras and flashes sit on shelves wondering if they will ever see the big outdoors again. That is why I come to this forum and others to see the great photography all you very talented photographers put for those of us who are no longer able to do what we use to love doing.<br> So Rick, JDM, Mike, and Louis, and rest of you wonderful photographers, keep up the great job you are doing.<br> THANK YOU</p>
  2. <p>JDM,<br> It isi good to see you posting again to this forum.<br> Many of us have missed you, and your tremendous knowledge.<br> I hope you will be posting a lot more.</p>
  3. <p>You can also ask for a hand inspection of your film and equipment.</p>
  4. <p>JDM,<br> I too, will miss your posts as I have missed Gene M posting.<br> For a few years now, I have not contributed much to any of forums on Pnet. But I have enjoyed most of what you have posted.<br> There is a hair salon in the next city west of us, and it is called JDM salon; sorry it is not JDMS SALOON. I will try and take a picture of the sign and send it to you.<br> All of us will miss seeing your insightful postings.<br> The very best to you, and com back and visit us time to time</p>
  5. <p>A very Happy New Year to all the great people on the CMC forum, and to ALL the members of Photo net.<br> May 2015 be a very good year for all of you, and for Photo Net too.</p>
  6. <p>Michael,<br> What is your camera? a Canon, Nikon; etc.</p>
  7. <p>I, and my family, wish all of the great members of this forum, and all of the members of Photo Net, a very Merry Christmas.<br> And I hope that you get all the great photo gear you asked Santa Clause to bring you. As for me, I will be lucky if I get a lump of coal in my stocking.</p>
  8. <p>Thank you to all who have responded to my posting.<br> To those of you who suggested I get a new camera, BOY! I sure would like Santa to bring me one or more UPS, FEDEX, or DHL trucks just crammed full of the latest and greatest Nikon pro DSLR cameras and lenses.<br> But that will not happen anytime soon; but there is no tax on dreaming yet; is there?<br> My wife are on a very tight fixed income, and it was all we could do to get enough money to buy the D40, so if this camera should ever "give up the ghost" as our late mother use to say, there will not be another DSLR camera.<br> Again, I really do thank all of you for your encouragement and suggestions on my posting. Photo Net has a lot of great people ready and willing to help you if they ca,<br> Avery Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, or just Hppy Holidays to all of you.</p> <p> </p>
  9. <p>For the first time the fourteen years my wife and I have attended the church (we are founding members of), I was told by the churches music director that he received some complaints from a few of the musicians that my flash blinded them.<br> We went to the annual Christmas concert,and I took my D40 camera with a SP600 flash. While the orchestra was warming up, I took some test shots, and nothing was said.<br> When the orchestra went on a short break before the concert began, the music director asked me if I was going to be taking pictures with flash during the whole concert. I told yes I was, He then told me about the complaint he received. I ended up just using the cameras built in flash the rest of the evening.<br> I have taken MANY FLASH PICTURES in this church in the fourteen years we have been members, and this is the first and only complaint I have ever received.<br> In fact, I use to be the church photographer up to about four years ago.<br> I told my wife that the camera will now stay home and gather dust just like all of my other camera equipment.</p> <p> </p>
  10. <p>Gene,<br> I have missed your posting of found film, and wondered why no one had heard from you for a very long time.<br> You are one of the reasons I looked forward to clicking on the Classic manual camera forum each day.<br> PLEASE! do not stop posting your "found film.'<br> I looked at the Contax IIIa web page on my large LG monitor, and I can not see anything wrong with it.<br> It was good to see your name once again in this forum.</p> <p> </p>
  11. <p>Seamus,<br> Sorry to learn of your spinal injury that cut your job short.<br> I agree with those who are advising you to not to do wedding photography.<br> I did wedding photography for almost twenty five years, and would have done it longer if I did not start having back problems.<br> After my first back surgery, I thought I was back in the game until half way through a wedding, I could hardly stand up. I did finish the wedding though.<br> I went back to my doctor, and he told me I needed another back surgery which ended my wedding photography days.<br> There are a lot of other photography jobs out there that do not require you to be on your feet for long periods, so I suggest you look into those jobs.<br> In my twenty five years of doing wedding photography, I only got sick once which forced me to cancel shooting the wedding.<br> I wish you the very best in pursuing your photography dreams.</p>
  12. <p>Thanks to all of you who responded to my call for help.<br> As I have said in the past, this is one of my favorite forums on Photo Net.<br> Thanks again.</p>
  13. <p>I own a Nikon N80 camera that I bought brand new.<br> Since I do not do much photography anymore due problems walking, I have not used this camera very much.<br> Today, I took it out of the camera bag, and the material on the camera was all tacky.<br> No one in our family smokes, nor has it been exposed to the elements.<br> Any ideas as how to get rid of this problem would be very much appreciated.</p>
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