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  1. <p><em>I am still using Nikon because I already have the appropriate equipment. If I was starting out these days I would not. That is exactly what you are speaking of. Not brand loyalty.</em><br> I do agree with you 100% Rick. I have been shooting Nikon since 1989 ( my first camera was the N8008 ) and I am not with them for brand. Back in those days, I simply picked that brand. They were good all those years. Finally, I bought my D300 in 2007, when Nikon really hit the market with the D3, D300 and the D700. Options were there for every single one and they were by the way, excellent options. Now they have the defected D600, the improved D610, the D750 ( that is lacking 1/8000 and 1/250 sync speed .. very silly ), the D800, the D800E, the D4 and the D4s ... 7 FX cameras out there that resume to only 3 : The D4s, the D800E and the new D750. I do not understand why this camera. Professional shooters have now the D4 and the D800; question is, will the D750 be a better option than the D800 as a backup camera ? <br> I do believe that is very debatable !! Why to spend on this camera if very soon Nikon will come up with the D5 which ( I hope ) will have 20-24 mp and will shoot 10 fps ? What would be better I guess ? To sell the D4 so you get the D5 or to sell the D800 for the D750 ? That does not make sense to me. So, what market are they aiming with the D750 ? <br> Are they expecting DX users to just jump to the D750 ? That is not going to be that easy. Are they expecting the pro’s to sell their D800E for the D750 when probably they have the D4 or D4s already for wildlife and sport ? That is very debatable. I would not !! Are they expecting those D610 users to sell this camera that they just recently bought to jump to the D750 ? I simply do not understand their business approach. Canon is making more sense with the introduction of the new 7D Mark II. Congrats Canon’s users. They heard you and they provided to you with a very good camera ! </p>
  2. <p><em>Think about it, it took Canon 5 full years to update the 7D (introduced on September 1, 2009) to the 7D Mark II, if Nikon introduced some D400 in 2011 or even 2012, it would have little competition for a couple of years.</em><br> <em>.... </em>then now is the right moment ....<br> <em> </em><br> Shun, here’s are my questions :<br> is not possible that Nikon already have the design of a camera to match the Canon 7D Mark II and probably producing this camera as we speak ? As you said, it is strategy on both companies but being Canon the first one to respond to their customers’ need, don’t you think that Nikon is leaving behind a very resentful and probably anger on their customers by not giving us the replacement of the D300 or the D7100 upgraded model ? <br> Do you think that it will be a great strategy not to match what Canon did ? It does not makes sense, don’t you think so ? Switching from Nikon to Canon will not be that easy for the D300’s users, but it is not impossible either; do you think that Nikon just give up on us and instead updating the D300, is forcing us to jump to FX which for a lot of us is not what we want ? What do you think please ?<br> Don’t you think that we will have a D7100 upgrade by the end of the year ? It won’t matter what the name of that camera would be, but it will make sense and not just will retain a lot of customers but at the same time, Nikon will be still in the game.<br> When I see the cell phone industry, then we have the famous iPhone but Samsung has come with some products that were introduced in the market and were well accepted by the customers to the point that now, if you are a Samsung’s owner, you do not have anything to envy to the iPhone. Samsung entered this industry with the intention to stay ahead of Apple and they got it!<br> Canon came up with this camera and now, Canon is ahead of Nikon in all respect. Do you think that is a great strategy for Nikon, to stay behind Shun ? What would you do Shun if you were one of Nikon’s owner ? <br> Thanks for your answer.</p> <p> </p>
  3. <p>This camera is not the DX killer. I will never trade the D7100 for this new camera, which is practically, a new D610, which at the same time, is not longer being produced by Nikon. It is very disappointing the shutter speed and the flash sync on this new camera. 6.5 fps are not better than my 8fps on my D300. ISO performance yes, but I do have the D7100, capable to shoot clean shots at ISO 6400. For wedding and portraits, more than enough !<br> A new lens f/1.8 ? For some it will be a “must-have-lens”, especially if you are looking for a light wide aperture lens, but there are other options as good as this new lens for much less money. Not a big deal to me. <br> New flash ? Are you kidding me ? I am more than ok with my 2 SB-700 and my SB-910. I guess this camera is for FX’s users as a second camera and that will be very debatable. If you have the D4, and enough money to buy another FX, then the right move should be to go with the D800 instead this one. For new FX users, perhaps this is the new option but I don’t think it will tempt DX users to the point to jump to it and leaving behind the excellent D7100 and / or the D300.<br> Nikon is obligated to come up with another DX camera very soon if they want to get money from this side of the field. Soon, they will come up with another D... whatever the number is and that will at least, be as good as the D7100 in all respect. At least, the buffer problem will not longer be an issue. Dx world is not finished ! I prefer to be at the top of the DX world with my D300/D7100 rather than at the lower-end of the FX world. </p>
  4. <p>I do agree with Kent Staubus. I have been shooting weddings with my D300 ( not the D300s ) and I never had any problem. It is about knowing what to do and to know the technique to use your flash ( this is a MUST if you want to get into this business ). <br> My suggestion is to read and learn from a professional wedding photographer like Neil Van Dierke. His technique is simply superb. And, the D7100 is enough camera to get excellent pictures in a wedding with the right lenses attached to it ... without minimizing of course, who is the “man behind the wheel” .... </p> <p>Maurice.</p>
  5. <p>I don’t understand what you were trying to achieve on the first pic Kyle ? Why did you use f/2.8 ? Were you trying to panning ? Were you trying to have a sense of motion in that pic ? Were you trying to get a sharper pic ? What is it that you were trying to achieve ? Can you explain please because I don’t understand your approach at all. Why did you think that you needed a fast lens to take those pics ? Even with a kit lens like the 18-55, a person who knows what to do, will get better results and I so sorry to tell you this. <br> F/2.8 is too shallow depth of field. Also, I do not understand why you had to use f/2.8 on a stationary pic like the second one ? Why do you believe that f/2.8 will give you better results than f/4 or f/5.6 ? Why you didn’t use a tripod to get sharper results on the stationary pic or why you did not use a speedlight, or why you did not use f/4 or f/5.6 ?<br> You only talking about if there is a better combo but not analyzing your mistakes or what you were trying to get. Camera + lens is not the problem in my opinion but your technique. I don’t think you need a better combo but to read books and practice so you can improve your shots.<br> I don’t understand why a lot of people believe that f/2.8 is always the best aperture for all kind of pics ! </p>
  6. <p>I agree that Tokina 100 is a pretty good lens. I do have the Nikon 105 f/2.8 and it is also a great choice but more expensive. But my preferable lens to shoot insects, is the Sigma 150mm f/2.8. The reason is that I can be far away from my subject ( insects ) and still be able to capture them. If you get too close, they will fly away. <br> In my opinion, forget about any other lens that is not at least 100 mm focal length because what is the point to have for example the Nikon 40mm to shoot flowers if you can do the same with a Tokina 100mm ? Beside, with the Nikon 40mm, you will not be able to shoot insects cause you would have to get too close and obviously they will fly away.<br> Here is a shot taken with my Sigma 150mm ( the new version has VR, just in case ). Just my 2 cents.</p> <p> </p><div></div>
  7. <p>I don’t think we could tell you what to bring Allan because that will depend on too many factors that ultimately only you can decide as a photographer. As you can see, everybody have a different opinion about your question. You should be able to determine by yourself, exactly what is it that you need. <br> For example, if you like to shoot architecture, antique buildings ( inside and outside ), etc, I will definitely bring a wide angle lens ( 11-16 Tokina or any other in that range ); if you like macro photography, then a 100mm Tokina or 105 mm f/2.8 Nikon will be the answer; again, only you know what type of photographer you are and what is it that you need. <br> Listen to your inner voice and needs and you will decide exactly what to bring. Nobody know you better than yourself and everybody will have a different approach to make this kind of decision. Have a happy shooting ! </p>
  8. <p>...http://neilvn.com/tangents/ </p> <p>... this is Neil Van Nierke website, a professional wedding photographer and a master of using speedlights. Learn from him and forget about if this flash is more powerful than the other or anything else. It is about technique and know how to manage lighting. Unless you want to become a full wedding photographer, your SB-700 is more than enough. Just my 2 cents. Happy shooting!</p>
  9. <p>... and this one, against the sun ... it is not powerful enough ? </p><div></div>
  10. <p>The SB-700 is a powerful flash and you should be able to shoot it above the sync speed up to 1/8000 ( if your camera allow it ) by using the TT5 ( or one TT1 and one TT5 ) ... but, above the sync speed, any flash ( SB-800, SB-900 or SB-910 ), not just the SB-700, will loose power so you need to get closer to the subject. <br> I do have two TT5 and I have been able to shoot my SB-700 above the sync speed. I do recommend to use a f/2.8 lens just in case. See the below picture and tell me if it is not possible. I will not deny that the SB-800 and above flashes are more powerful, but do not underestimate the power of the SB-700 and if you know how to manage the light and some techniques about using it, you should not have any trouble. </p><div></div>
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