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  1. The flare is caused by reflections from the protective glass cover on the sensor chip. I removed the glass from mine and all the flare issues are gone. Prior to this, point sources (lights a night) had a single primary ghost and several additional fainter ghost images. I desoldered the sensor, installed a plug mount. I ground the glass off using a loose silicon carbide water slurry on a piece of glass in my kitchen sink. I found extra OEM replacement Sony scanner chips (used in this Nikon model) just in case.
  2. I have a Nikon 5000 Coolscan. All the discussion about the flare being caused by dust, or the camera in the optic block...I still had flare after cleaning mirrors, lenses etc...I finally opened my Nikon, desoldered the sensor (Sony ilx142a) and ground off the glass using 220 carbide, on a glass sheet (wet sand slurry)in my kitchen sink. You have to be careful as soon as the glass begins to cut through as fragments will cut the gold trace wires. I switched to 220 water proof paper and switched to width wise strokes. Dip the sensor in water (face down) and tilt to allow glass bits to fall out. Next, carefully pot the wires with epoxy, allowing it to drain onto the wires. Minimize amount to prevent running out into sensor surface. Prop on end to let epoxy set without running out in surface of sensor. After one end is done, do the other end. I used a 10x loupe to check progress. Finally, clean the surface of sensor by flooding with detergent, water jet and then wiping with a wet foam makeup applicator. The sensor itself is surprisingly robust. I soldered machine pins in place so I could easily plug the chip in and out as needed. The performance of the scan is amazingly improved. No flare at all. Pinhole tests had shown multiple reflections above and below main image of each pinhole. After deglassing, totally eliminated artifacts. Now I can take advantage of the 16 bit AD and boost shadows without leakage of highlights.
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