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  1. <p>I was able to get a nearly complete set of a camera body and a good assortment of lenses and accessories of this camera some time ago but no lens hoods.<br> Now what I am looking to find is a decent replacement for the original lens hoods to the lenses. Since I am not a collector but rather a user I am not looking for original parts but would like to see if I can find an adequate replacement with still available lens hoods.<br> To have something to go by I would like you all to ask the following:<br />Could any of you out there owning one or more lens hood(s) for this camera post the measurements of the lens hoods. Maybe in a format such as this. (Since I'm from Germany let me know if it will be metric or inches)<br> <strong>Focal length:</strong> (as far as I could tell there are only three different sizes of original lenshoods, just let me know what it says on the hood)<br /><strong>Height:</strong> (measuring the hood lying face down on a flat surface streight up to the 'back end')<br /><strong>Diameter/width:</strong> (here I'd need the measurement across the corners <em>or</em> from side to side, please make sure to let me know which measurement you are posting).<br /><br />Once I got an idea how big the hoods need/can be I will go hunt to see what I can find to replace the original and the re-post my findings here.<br> Many thanks in advance.</p>
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