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  1. <p>Glacier is awesome! Great call. My favorite place on earth; I’ve been there (5) times and can’t wait to get back again.</p> <p> As the others have said, late September can be hit or miss and a bit heavy on the miss side. But, my wife and I honeymooned there the second week of October back in 2000 with nothing restricting our travel. We were fortunate that the main road through the part (Going to the Sun Road) was still open.</p> <p> Without wanting to repeat what the others have said, consider the following;<br> 1) If possible, travel the Going to the Sun Road from west to east and plan just about a full day for it. It’s a wonderful and slow build-up of excitement reaching a crescendo about 2/3rds of the way at the Logan Pass visitor’s center. It’s kind of like the 1812 Overture... The road is only 50 miles long, but wow… one breath-taking view after another. There are many pull-outs and it’s hard to resist stopping.<br> 2) Again, if open, park at the Logan Pass visitor’s center and check out the board walk behind the center. At the highest point, there are mountain goats and marmots awaiting you and your lens. On the other side of the road, it's the Highline Trail. Even a brief, one-mile foray will stay in your mind a lifetime. But note that you may find the cliff edge a bit <em>too</em> exhilarating. Both trails are relatively flat and yet offer so much.<br> 3) The Many Glacier area tends to have more grizzly bears. If wildlife and long lenses are you thing, spend some time there. If open, the trail to Iceberg Lake is wonderful although the flowers will surely be gone.<br> 4) Waterton can be windy, If there is indeed wind in Glacier, it may seem even more so up the Canadian side as it gets funneled up Waterton Lake, between the mountains. If you don’t have hotel reservations, I’d suggest being flexible w.r.t. when you head up.</p> <p> Enjoy!</p>
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