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  1. Thanks for the input. The film should not be expired before the end of 22...unless the seller stored it badly. I spoke to the Developper. He said I was rather on the underexposed side - the color shift in the blacks could be from that. Also setting the whitepoint for images with a lot of white is apparently difficult. But then he also said that my negatives had some weird Markings / Ghostings that are not light leaks. Any thoughts on that? Have you seen this before?
  2. Ok I put them in google drive where they can be viewed easly: Hasselblad - Google Drive What could cause this color shifts? Faulty back? Faulty film? Possibly faulty insert by myself of the film? Thanks for the help guys.
  3. Hello I received my first batch from my recently bought Hasselble CM500. Here you can see them: iCloud The wight balance is really off. Also: the processor / scanner told me that most negatives had some sort of ghosting at the edge. What does this mean? Light leakinga 12 back? But would this mess with the color? Or faulty film? Thanks for the help.
  4. Hi I just got a used PM45 for my 500CM. I seems to be in very good quality, though, it does somehow crop the top part of the screen. It seems to come from reflection of the viewfinder itseld. I'm not sure wether its normal, a screen problem or a PM45 problem. Anybody got similar issues? Thanks and best
  5. Hi there I'm new to the forum but I've already read a ton of threads. I recently bought a 500cm with some lenses. When I set the 250mm to a 1 second shutter an stop the time it takes a little longer than 1 second. Does this mean all shutter times are off? Or could it be just the longer ones? Thanks and best
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